Wednesday 27 August 2008

Musical about the Beckhams planned

There ar plans to bring the story of David and Victoria Beckham to the stage in a new musical. reports that the production would be called 'David Beckham - The Theatre of Dreams'.

Producer Mark Archer aforesaid: "[David] Beckham's story is a modern-day fairytale of heroes, villains, love, and what it means to lead your country."

He continued: "His come up from obscurity to outside stardom, his universally acknowledged gifts as a supreme sportsman, and his Hollywood lifestyle all have the elements of an aspirational fable."

If the football star gives the production the go-ahead, it testament also focal point on his marriage to the Spice Girls singer.

More info

Sunday 17 August 2008

Will Young "Nearly Drowned" Making New Music Video

Will Young says he "nearly drowned" making the video for his newfangled single Changes.

The video, Will's first in two days, is his darkest to date. It tells the story of a settlement guy wHO wants to change his boring life and symbolically burns all of his possessions.

"This was probably the hardest video I've e'er done," Will tells Heat magazine. "I ran up and down country lanes, was smitten by lightning, set on fire and nearly drowned. It's amazing what you'll do for music!

"It was an extremely long

Thursday 7 August 2008

Tell No One

Sometimes it requires the eyes of a foreigner to establish the old new once again. In adapting American crime writer Harlan Coben's 2001 novel Tell No One, French movie maker Guillaume Canet brings a distancing Gallic fracturedness to a straight mystery. By doing so, Canet adds layers that probably weren't there in the original story merely also puts us at a distance from its more pulp elements, which are left hand adrift in this calmly-paced homage to Hitchcock's wrong-man scenarios. An odd policier, Tell No One isn't without its rewards, merely is as well certainly not without problems.

Unfolding with fertile ripeness in a long and languorous day and evening in the French countryside, where some siblings and their respective others share a meal and sharp-edged conversation at the old family house, the film plays with the notion of barely-concealed secrets and a hint of rottenness. When Alex Beck (Francois Cluzet) chases his wife Margot (Marie-Josee Croze) through a forested tract lined with lushly bloom flowers, the scene is romantic only weighted with death -- it wouldn't surprise you to notice out that the filth was so rich due to bodies being inhumed there. Like the childhood sweethearts they once were, Alex and Margot swim playfully in a pocket-sized pond and then curl up naked in the warm night air on a floating raft. She goes ashore; there are sounds of a fight. Alex, panic-struck, swims for the sour grass only to get whacked unconscious by an spiritual world assailant.

Cut to eight long time later, and Alex is going through and through the motions as a pediatrician, acquitted in his wife's bump off after her body was found, but now left without much of a reason to live. There are glimpses that Alex may in fact be quite honorable at his job, only Canet (world Health Organization co-wrote the screenplay with Philippe Lefebvre, an worker appearing here as a police lieutenant) is more intent on the stasis of Alex's life, how the shards of his former life never quite a fit back together. Canet is quite good at this sort of thing, edging tV audience into this mystery sideway and making it

Tuesday 1 July 2008


Artist: Lazyfish




   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 16


Wednesday 25 June 2008

A big transition for Seattle Symphony: One season ends, another begins

Expect a large orchestra. At the end of next week, the Seattle Symphony will simultaneously close its regular concert season and open its Summerfest with a double sonic spectacle of Wagner and Mahler.

The concerts, which begin on Thursday and run through the following Sunday afternoon, specifically feature the beginning and ending movements of Wagner's opera "Tristan und Isolde," featuring international operatic superstar Jane Eaglen, and Mahler's Sixth Symphony, with its dramatic hammer blows of fate.

So what do these two works have in common, besides Teutonic immensity? A lot, as it turns out. An hour before each concert, professor Eric Hanson of Seattle Pacific University, author of "Mahler and the Will," ties threads together between the two 19th-century composers and the artistic climate of their time. The preconcert lecture is called "The Tristan Chord and Its Resonance: Wagner, Schopenhauer and Mahler."

A central connection between these two composers is the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, who argued that the will of man was a more powerful force than even the intellect, and that our suffering from this could only be salved by art. And foremost among the arts, according to the philosopher, was music.

Naturally, this is a philosophy that composers are easily attracted to. But Wagner and Mahler both went further than that. Wagner based the plots of three of his operas (including "Tristan") on Schopenhauer's philosophy of the human will, and Mahler even created a musical figure called the "life-will motive" that he used in every symphony — except one.

"It's a bit of ironic programming," Hanson pointed out in a recent conversation. "The Sixth Symphony is the only one of Mahler's that does not have this melodic figure." Its very absence, however, speaks volumes. Known as the "Tragic" Symphony, the absence of a life-will motive may have reflected Mahler's prescient fears at the time, since in the following years tragedy would strike his family and he would learn of his own dangerous heart disease.

But Hanson will also focus on a musical theme that is very present in the Wagner we will hear: the Tristan chord. So how important could a chord be? This one shook up the artistic world in ways that few other musical moments have. Though the notes F, B, D sharp and G sharp had been used in combination before, Wagner was the first to shine an extended spotlight on them in a way that stretched the concept of tonality itself and led to the musical revolutions of the early 20th century.

It occurred at a time when political and scientific thought were also experiencing revolutionary breakthroughs, with Darwin, Marx and John Stuart Mill. It shattered musical boundaries and upset the musical establishment. It opened up all sorts of new possibilities for every composer who came after him, including Mahler.

Whether you want to close out the concert season, open up the new one or get a foretaste of the 2009 Wagner festival, we all have some music to look forward to that is both titanic and intricate.

See Also

Monday 9 June 2008


Artist: Leslie



Mes couleurs   
 Mes couleurs

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 14


Sunday 1 June 2008

Rihanna Wants Amy Winehouse And Duffy Collaboration

R&B star Rihanna wants to record a "feminist anthem" for her next album with fellow chart-toppers Amy Winehouse and Duffy.
The Umbrella hitmaker has drawn up a wishlist of musicians and producers she wants to work with when she next hits the studio, with Winehouse, Duffy, and Winehouse-collaborator Mark Ronson right at the top.
She tells the BBC, "I love Mark Ronson. We've talked about doing something together on my next album."
Rihanna adds of a 'dream team' with Brits Winehouse and Duffy, "How amazing would that be? We've all got three different voices, it would be brilliant. Now that would be a feminist anthem.
"I love Amy. I think she's great, so unique. I love her album. And I also love what Duffy is doing, she's brilliant, as well."