Friday 2 May 2008

Winehouse summoned by Norwegian court

Winehouse summoned by Norwegian court

Amy Winehouse has been ordered to seem in court in Norge after she appealed her all right for marijuana possession. is reporting that the 24-year-old singer-songwriter has been summoned to appear in courtroom in Bergen on 29 February.
"I bathroom confirm that she moldiness appear in court of justice," Bergen police force spokeswoman Liv Karlsen said.
"If one appeals a condemnation, it's the rule that unity has to appear in person, so this is not surprising."
Winehouse and her married man William Blake Fielder-Civil were arrested in Bergen on 18 Oct and detained overnight on charges of illegal drug possession. They were both released the next day afterwards each paying a oK of $715.
Winehouse later claimed she had been tricked into signing the charges and did non know what she had lay her signature to. Constabulary say they ar for sure she knew, and that fluent English language speakers helped her.
The singer's lawyer has said that a sentence and a exquisitely could damage her life history by qualification it to a greater extent difficult for her to enter the US.